
  • Here you will be able to find The Writing Masters' works: stories, poems, comic books... Let your imagination work :)

    The Portuguese writing masters came up with some ideas for stories using the Game Cube Creator and challenged all the other partners to participate too. Everyone joined in and the outcome was a colourful ebook filled with magical stories.

    Here are the story cubes that sparked all the stories created.

    On the way...

    The stories


    Polish illustration to the story written by Alexandrina and Ana

    Cube stories written in Warsaw


    1/ 'ONE EXTRA COLOUR'   


    2/ 'MAGIC SWEETS'  


    3/ 'COLOURS'  


    Grey Cave and Tinter: a collaborative story

    This is the story a group of Polish students created and some Portuguese students from class 7E tried to illustrate.

    The Polish version of the story:
















    Here's our version of Big Grey Cave and Tinter

    Some illustrations to the 'Big Grey Cave and Tinter' made by Polish kids





    Tinter makes the world colourful.