Webinar for The World Kitchen Quiz


    We held an online meeting with the participation of whole teachers and a lot of students. Virginia Falcon Gonzalez is responsible for that activity. 

  • The World Kitchen Quiz

    Çağrı Dere/Sakarya Secondary School

    We made a quiz show and Congrats the winners 🎉🎉🎉😉😉

    Çağrı Dere/Sakarya Secondary School

    We had a great experience with the students 😉

    Ana Merchán (IES Marxadella)

    Many students joined the meeting!

    Çağrı Dere/Sakarya Secondary School

    Thanks to Virginia Falcon for preparing the quiz show 👏👏🎉🎉


    Thanks to all the parpicipants in this quiz show. It's been an amaizing and "delicious" experience.



    Yetkin DERE / Vakfıkebir Atatürk Secondary School

    The World Kitchen Quiz prepared by Virginia Falcon was very exciting and informative. Thanks a lot for your organization Virginia Falcon. You are great.

    Yetkin DERE / Vakfıkebir Atatürk Secondary School
    Yetkin DERE / Vakfıkebir Atatürk Secondary School

    We have already did our first collaborative task "THE WORLD KITCHEN" with a quiz show online. Our students prepared questions and joined the quiz show. It was very enjoyable. We have learnt about traditional dishes of our partners and had lots of fun.

    Many thanks to Virginia for perfect organization. It was a splendid presentation.

    Viktoriya Chumachkina, Mariupol comprehensive school №65, Ukraine

    The online meeting was in the form of quiz. Its topic was the world kitchen. Students could check their knowledge and learnt much interesting and useful information. It was exciting and funny! Our congratulations to the winners!

    OŠ Vrpolje, Antonia Petković and Jelena Vukičević

    A kahoot quiz was made on the basis of students participants of project questions - the students enjoyed the quiz and so have some teachers as well.