
    Under this page, we will make some preparaiton about the logos, posters and slogans of the project. You can prepare unlimited logos, posters or slogans about the project and share them all in the related page. But, you will just vote one work for each work (logo, poster and slogan) and nominate it as your work in the poll. You can also involve your Dodos (students) in the selection of the work, bu using different web2 tools. Thus, Dodos (students) will learn new web2 tools and jion in the any process of the project.

    Under the title of Collaboration for Teachers, you will reach the subtitles below:

  • Democratic Participation

    Çağrı DERE/Sakarya Secondary School

    I have prepared different logos and formed a poll with them. I sent the link of this poll and my students chose the logo they like. Thanks for their democratic participation.

    Çağrı DERE/Sakarya Secondary School

    We carried out a democratic voting with my students. 19 votes have been given.

    Çağrı DERE/Sakarya Secondary School

    I prepared six different posters about the project. I formed a poll with them, sent the link of it to the parents of students via WhatsApp. They voted in a democratic way.

    Çağrı DERE/Sakarya Secondary School

    27 students joined in the voting of the posters. They chose the logo they liked most.

    Çağrı Dere/Sakarya Secondary School

    My 20 students attended the survay for slogan. Thanks each for their democratic participation.

    Çağrı Dere/Sakarya Secondary School

    I have prepared five different slogans in the google.forms. and sent the link to the students. They voted they likes most.