Fundraising for la Marató

  • Every year, here, in Catalonia, we celebrate “La Marato”( a fundraising day in which people donate money for research to cure illnesses). It takes place in December. “La Marato” aims to collect money for a specific cause, which it changes each year. This year it talks about heart diseases.

    Since 2012, our High School called INS Castell del Quer has done  some activities to raise some money to send to “La Marato”.  This time, we bought some figures that simulate a heart. These are made with recycled paper and cardboard. We sell them for 3€, but they cost 1’60€.

    What we want is that people buy and decorate this heart by writing a wish on it, and, on 14th of December, hang it on the olive tree of the New Square in Prats de Lluçanès.

    Another activity that we propose is a game called “Bitlles Catalanes”. (A kind of bowling game with wooden bowls).

    We think that doing activities like this for something necessary is a satisfaction for us and for all the people who participate in it.