LOGO design

  • Let our creativiy fly by designing the LOGOS of the project.

    Before taking the paper and the coloured pencils, students have learnt the most relevant issues to create a good logo:

    - Simple and clear

    - Designed with a concept

    - Quick recognition

    Then, hands on!!!!!


    Each school designs logos and votes for 6 finalists.

    The partner school will vote the favourite.

    The 2 final logos will be votes by adultws from the schools: headteacher, parent, secretary, art teacher and cook


    What is your opinion?

    Look at all the logos designed by our students on Jamboard

    SANT JOSEP SCHOOL NAVÀS , 6 finalists 

    Our French partners will decide which is their favourite one.



    SAINT PAUL'S school, Cesson, 6 finalists


    And the two finalists logos are:

    10 adults 8 headteacher, parents, cook, cleaning staff, art teacher, ...from our schools will vote their favourite one.

    Which one will be the winner?

    Adults vote in France

    As the parents are not allowed to come in the school because of pandemia, they sent us their votes !

    In Sant Josep school, students asked some staff from the school ( office worker, cleaning woman, cook, head teacher, but also some parents and even the policeman who was controlling the traffic by school !

    And summing up the results, the winner logo is:



    And thank you to all participants who enjoyed designing the logo for the project!