The wall of wisdom


    " Be kind whenever possible. it is always possible" Dalai Lama. Fina
    The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace

    Mahatma Gandhi
    Aina i Lluc CS1

    "Nobody can bring your peace by yourself"- Ralph Waldo Roger and Ferran V.
    Peace begins with a smile. Mother teresa.CARLA I ÈRIC
    We men build many walls but few bridges (Newton)

    Martí C. , Víctor
    CS1 Catalan Team

    Peace begins with smile.- Albert Einstein

    Maria R

    The way I see it, if you want the rainbow,you gotta put up with the rain-dolly darton

    júlia and Gerard

    Don't let the behavior of others celesthey peace "Dabai Lama" ÀURIA AND ISMAIL
    "Ull per ull el món acabarà cec". Gandhi CS2
    "Per aconseguir la PAU es necessita valor, molt més que per fer la guerra"

    Papa Francesc
    CS2 Catalan Team

    “No hi ha camí per la pau, la pau és el camí”. Mahatma Gandhi


    Estar en pau amb un mateix és el mitjà més segur de començar a estar-ho amb els altres.

    Fray Luís de León CS3


    Peace begins with a smile
    Mother Teresa

    French team

  • "Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much" Hellen Keller

    With one single brick we can do so little,

    together all our brick will build ta big and powerful WALL OF WISDOM"!

    Let's build the greatest wall of wisdom in our schools

    You can write the message of peace on the brick and on this twinboard.

    And upload images of your school " WALL OF WISDOM".



    The WALL OF WISDOM in Catalonia looks like this...





    The WALL OF WISDOM under construction. It was a great activity !