Project plan





    Project description:

    Motto: "When the mind experiences peace, the body will flourish with good health” Karishma Ahuja.

    This project pretends to foster the knowledge of students and teachers about these three Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 16 ( peace and justice), SDG 6 ( clear water and sanitation) and SDG 3 ( Good health ).

    Our common challenge is to involve the whole school community to collaborate in the project as it will become an interdisciplinary eTwinning school project. 

    the Catalan school, col·legi Sant Josep is an eTwinning school and monitoring school, so that will help the French school to start with this new experience which will be fruitful for all teachers, students and other staff.

    Main goals:

    1. Integrate the learning of the SDGs : 3, 6, 16  into the different school subjects in order to make the learning process an interdisciplinary one

    2. Foster the use of more effective and innovative teaching methodologies such as real problem solving, PBL, collaboration and knowledge building, critical thinking, skill communication, ICT of learning.

    3. Improve the teachers skills to teach into an innovative way.

    4. Raise the students and teachers skills into the digital approaches

    5. Develop  our students and teachers foreign language and communicative skills.

    6. Train students and teachers to work  into transnational teams in order to reinforce the cooperative and collaborative skills.

    7.  Achieve the 5 criteria for a quality eTwinning project

    Working progress