Christmas time



    Primary: Christmas online workshops :

    Grade 1 and 2 : 

    Tutorial from Sant Josep school: LET'S MAKE PLASTICINE

    Save a heap of money while having fun by making this super easy Non Toxic Plasticine, made with 5 simple ingredients. You only have to follow the steps we explain you in the video and create your own projects.

    This soft plasticine keeps for weeks in the fridge!

    Just a note: Add flour if it gets too sticky and don’t forget to store it in a container.

    And that’s all!

    Enjoy it! We look forward to your creations!



    Students of grade 4 will meet next 11th December 2020 at 10:00 CET

    They will teach their partners how to make a Xmas gift or Xmas card with reusable and recycled material.

    FRANCE Xmas gift/card

    one balloon, a long string, white glue and shiny glitter

    CATALONIA Xmas gift/ card

    1 A4 sheet of paper (the colour you like)

    old books or magazines that can be cut out

    Christmas online workshop, 11th December, Grade 4 students from Cesson and Navàs


    In Navàs, last week we voted which will be the Xmas gift that we will show to our French partners, and this Christmas ball was the winner.

    Christmas in knocking at the door, and our first online workshops started today with our partners from cesson, France within our eTwinning project " We are PAS: Pax, Aqua, Salutem . thank you dear French partners, we enjoyed the workshop a lot!