The hardworking wanted to bring food to the anthill because he was preparing for winter. He took two steps to the right to reach the food. He took one step forward.step went to the left, took two steps forward and reached the food.
we designed with leftover materials, coding carton
The hero of our story is a squirrel.Our lovely friend, with the help of Happy Children, is trying to collect his walnuts without getting caught in a snake
Pezzettino hikayesi kodlama ve boyama çalışması ile tamamladık. / we've complete the Pezzettino story With coding and painting
Eba cody hikayesi ile kodlama
Kodlama robotumuz Dog ile masallarla kodlama çalışması yaptık.
Arı ile Papatya Masalı ile Kodlama
Kodlama Robotumuz ile masallarla kodlama çalışmamız