Quiz 2 & 3: Evaluation

  • After the Feng Shui Personality (Quiz 2) we proposed to the students to be arranged into 5 colored clouds.
    In the colored cloud (quiz3) they had the choice to validate or not that proposal, and choose the color team that corresponds to their personality..


    76 students answered to the colored cloud (quiz3):

    number of students whose choice:
    -confirms the personality test (quiz2): 29
    -does not confirm the personality test (quiz2): 36
    -determines an undefined personality test (quiz2): 8
    -is determined by the algorythm of the quiz2: 3


    There is an obvious lack of correlation between the answers in quiz 3 to those in quiz 2.
    - There is a limit of validity of the personality test
    - The students have evolved in the knowledge of their personality
    - Some students could have been influenced by the choice of another student. 

    - One term could have been predominant over all the others in the choice.

    The colored team constitution will not be determinated by the result of the personality test but by the choice of the student.