a) "The Great Wall and the silk roads"
It`s impressive to compare the different roles one structure can play in society. From protection against enemies to welcoming tourists.
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For Discussion
-The construction of the Great Wall spanned decades and cost many lives—in your opinion, is such sacrifice worth the magnificence of such a creation?
- What purpose has the Great Wall held throughout Chinese past and present?
(source: TEDed lesson )
b) The "silk roads"
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TEDed lesson
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(source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silk_Road#/media/File:SeidenstrasseGMT.JPG)
The Silk Road trade played a significant role in the development of the civilizations of China, Korea, Japan, the Indian subcontinent, Iran, Europe, the Horn of Africa and Arabia, opening long-distance political and economic relations between the civilizations.
Though silk was the major trade item exported from China, many other goods and ideas were exchanged, including
- religions (especially Buddhism),
- syncretic philosophies,
- sciences,
- and technologies like paper and gunpowder.
So in addition to economic trade, the Silk Road was a route for cultural trade among the civilizations along its network. Diseases, most notably plague, also spread along the Silk Road.
c) EU and China nowadays

In the present day, trade takes place on the Silk Road on land and on the maritime branch. There are several projects under the name of “New Silk Road” to expand the transport infrastructure in the area of the historic trade routes. The best known is probably the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
In June 2014, UNESCO designated the Chang'an-Tianshan corridor of the Silk Road as a World Heritage Site. The Indian portion is on the tentative site list.
More interesting recent info about EU and China:
Approaches to China's History and Religion
🥟 Let's see what we remember (use the fullscreen mode or click here):
(collaborative work in January, 19 in online class because of school lockdown @Ilion)
collaborative wakelet collection by Ilion
(editing link here)