• OŠ Sveti Petar Orehovec - CROATIA



    The results of the eTwinning project "Young journalist of today, responsible citizens of tomorrow" were presented on the portal for teachers and students SKOLE.HR and on the website of the SCHOOL SVETI PETAR OREHOVEC.

    On the portal skole.hr the article was published on 31 May, and on the school website on 29 May. In both articles are attached links to the E-BOOK  of the best student articles written during the project.



    OŠ Marije Jurić Zagorke Zagreb - Croatia




    We presented our eTwinning project on the SCHOOL WEBSITE  and website of the association ZAG.  Articles were published on 30 May.



    Scoala Gimnaziala ,,Mihai Eminescu”, Alexandria- Romania

    On the ziarsceminescu.ro the article was published on 29 May, and on the school website on 31 May. In both articles are attached links to the eTwinning project and to the E-BOOK  of the best student articles written during the project.

    ZIARUL SCOLII GIMNAZIALE MIHAI EMINESCU - Din proiectele noastre (sceminescu.ro)

    Scoala Mihai Eminescu


    OŠ "Đuro Ester" Koprivnica - Croatia


    We presented our eTwinning project on the school website


    and website of the school digital magazine Leteći razred.


    The results of the project were also presented in the national newspaper for teachers and education Školske novine no. 21-22. The article was published on 8 June 2021.


    Scoala Gimnazială Nr. 6 Suceava, Romania

    We presented our eTwinning project on the school  WEB page.



    OŠ Dositej Obradović - SERBIA


    The results of the eTwinning project "Young journalist of today, responsible citizens of tomorrow" were presented on the portal for youth NEK SE ČUJE GLAS.


    OŠ ,,IVO ANDRIĆ'', Pranjani, Serbia


    We presented our e-twinning project on the school website



    We presented our e-twinning project on the school website




    E-Twinning offre una piattaforma per le scuole europee per comunicare, collaborare, sviluppare progetti e condividere idee. In questo anno scolastico 2020/2021 alcune classi della scuola secondaria del nostro istituto G. Bertolotti  di Gavardo hanno partecipato  al progetto “Young journalists of today, responsible citizens of tomorrow 2”,  con il quale gli studenti hanno potuto sviluppare le  loro competenze linguistiche e digitali, approfondendo alcune tematiche attuali quali  i media, i diritti umani, l’Agenda 2030. Durante le attività di stesura di articoli e laboratori in presenza o online gli studenti hanno collaborato e hanno sviluppato la loro competenza nell’uso di dispositivi tecnologici e di ricerca attenta e precisa di informazioni in internet, con particolare attenzione a ricercare informazioni vere da fonti attendibili e a saperle rielaborare, ma soprattutto hanno migliorato la competenza in lingua inglese. Al progetto hanno partecipato scuole di vari paesi europei: Croazia, Romania, Serbia, Spagna, Macedonia e Italia.

    E’ stata un’esperienza che  ha aiutato gli studenti a crescere, a confrontarsi e ad imparare divertendosi.



    E-Twinning offers a platform for European schools to communicate, cooperate and develop projects, and share ideas. This school year 2020-2021 some classes of our school IC G. Bertolotti took part in the project Young journalists of today, responsible citizens of tomorrow 2. Students could develop their language, communicative and digital skills, they also deal with topics such as media, human rights, Agenda 2030. taking part in workshops at school or online and writing articles students could cooperate and develop their skills using digital devices, they learnt to search information on the Internet carefully paying particular attention to sources and be able to use this information. This was a good way to improve English communicative skills. Some European schools took part in the project: Croatia, Romania, Serbia, Spain, North Macedonia and Italy.

    It was a great experience, it helps students to grow, to exchange and discuss,  to learn, and to enjoy.