



    • Write your school name and your name and surname next to the article you like the most
    • Don’t vote for the articles prepared by students from your school
    • Find selected articles in this ebook https://shared.kotobee.com/#/book/43761/ 


    Title of articles

    Student name and surname - school

    School - ICS "G. Bertolotti" Gavardo (BS), ItalyICS

     Agenda  2030: Global Codes


    A PC for students in need!

     Sara Trifu

    Scoala Mihai Eminescu,Alexandria




    Dositej Obradović Ćićevac, Serbia

     Living library

    Leonardo Lonati ICS G.Bertolotti

    Petra Kušec,

    OŠ Sveti Petar Orehovec

    Anastazija Blagaj

    OŠ Sveti Petar Orehovec

    Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 6 Suceava - România, Andreica Maria

    Școala Gimnaziala Nr. 6 Suceava-România,

    Labiuc Andra Ioana

    Girls from Ćićevac in UPSIFT 4





    Osnovna škola “Ivo Andrić” Gornji Milanovac, Srbija

     Children’s rights

    Marija Glasnović,

    OŠ Marije Jurić Zagorke, Zagreb

    This tea cures over 50 disiseas: Drink one cup every morning for HEALTHY and SLIM body!





    OŠ " Đuro Ester", Koprivnica, Croatia

    Manipulation instruments in mass media

    Anđelija Danilović,

    OŠ "Dositej Obradović", Ćićevac

    Paula Ježić, OŠ Marije Jurić Zagorke

    Școala Gimnaziala Nr. 6 Suceava - România,

    Simioniuc Dimitrie Rares

    Seventh-graders win an excellent second place in the European competition





    OŠ Marije Jurić Zagorke Zagreb, Croatia


    New singing star in Dubrava


    Kajkavian Ikavians


    OŠ Sveti Petar Orehovec, Croatia

    Millions of girls without the schooling opportunity are forced to...


    Sanja Ivanović,

    OŠ "Dositej Obradović", Ćićevac

    Nikolina Trnavac, OŠ "Ivo Andrić" Gornji Milanovac

    Katarina Bralović- OŠ "Ivo Andrić" Gornji Milanovac

    Fake news is becoming profitable business

    Nemanja Babović - OŠ "Ivo Andrić" Pranjani

    Ema Kurečić, OŠ M. Jurić Zagorke, Zagreb

    Miru Olteanu

    Scoala Mihai Eminescu, Alexandria




    Suceava, Romania

    Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 6, Suceava - ROMANIA

    Online robotics events at Gymnasium School Nr. 6 Suceva, funded by Meet and Code 2020!

    Emi Gusa

    Scoala  Mihai Eminescu, Alexandria

    Climate action project


    Jovana Vidačak,

    OŠ "Dositej Obradović", Ćićevac

    Dunja Bajrić, OŠ "Đuro Ester"

    Ivona Siladi,

    OŠ Sveti Petar Orehovec




    Scoala Gimnaziala „Mihai Eminescu”, ALEXANDRIA, Romania

    The beauty of mathematics

    Samuele Perini ICS G. Bertolotti

    Ana Vondraček, OŠ "Đuro Ester"

    My passion

    Veronica Maioli ICS G.Bertolotti

    Alegra Hammoud, OŠ "Đuro Ester"