Our Holidays-Greece


    The main idea of this project was our students working in groups in order to present memories from their vacation, using various digital tools.  The were excited by this idea and participated actively

    First phase (individual work): They were initially asked to post photos of their summer vacations from various parts of Greece on a digital wall (padlet), that had been created especially for this purpose. Photos of Thassos are dominant, because of the fact that our island is a summer holidays destination and as a result most parents work hard during the summer so that familiescannot travel to a different place.

    Second phase (class work in groups): When first phase was completed,photos were presented in the classroom and started an interesting conversation.The students suggested creating a map through Google maps, where they would place each photo in the suitable place .Students worked in groups. The first team undertook to make the map. The second group made a puzzle depicting the map of Greece.Finally, a schoolgirl undertook to create a video with the beauties of Thassos.

    Padlet link




    Map link