Let's do it TOGETHER! (All countries)

  • The environmental issues topic is an important one not only for adults. Even more so for our students. That is why we decided to this part as a team and not present our work separately as usually.

    Our students were still learning from their homes due the Covid situation. There was still no opportunity for us to get together face to face. We used online instruments.

    The first step was to create shared excel sheet to make a list of common simple advice even we, the adults (teachers), had been taught back than at school. We chose 5 to start with.

    The second step was filled with discussion. Us with students and between students themselves. We used the first five advice as a starting point. Students got the chance to voice their opinion on the topic. Students in each of the countries had to discuss and choose one additional advice they would be able as well as willing to incorporate into their everyday lives.

    We shared the advice students chose in the excel sheet to make the translations. English language was used as a common language.

    Student used the translations in creating pictures that illustrated single advice. First, we planned to print sticker but as the work progressed, we changed the plan. Here is Padlet with some of our students works. Please, check out the next article to play simple online games we have prepared.

    CLICK here to see our students' work.