Local stories from Kladno (Czech Republic)

  • Since there were many coal mines in the Kladno-area, most of the old stories are about what happened in the underground. Miners’ work was (and still is) one of the most dangerous ones so many stories are about supernatural guardians of miners.
    There are also stories about other magical creatures in the local area such as drowners and fairies.
    We created some comics in varios formats for you. Don't be mistaken that there are just four stories for you to see. Students have created many of them and sent them tu our partners.

    The good guardian of miners
    There was once a coal miner who liked to work alone. One day a gnome came and said “Come with me, quick! You are in great danger!” The miner followed the gnome quite happily. After few steps he heard a noise. The wall cracked and the ceiling of the mine fell down just behind him. The gnome led the miner safely back to the cage lift. The he disappeared. The miner didn’t have even time to thank him.


    The generous miner.
    One day four miners stopped working to have a snack. Suddenly, something appeared nearby. The miners were startled a bit, so they waited. They saw three little men coming. They were dwarves. The dwarves were hungry, so they asked the miners for food. Three miners refused, but the fourth one shared his food with the dwarves. The dwarves thanked and promised a big reward. And they kept their word. The fourth miner found coal everywhere he tried digging. He dug up so much coal and sold it for so much money that his family was hungry no more. The other three miners envied him his luck but there was nothing they could do. They shouldn’t have been so Scroogelike.


    The drowner from Tuchoraz
    Where there nowadays two graveyards are, there, between them, stood a lodge once. The forest is called Bažantnice and it used to be huge. There used to be a pond Tuchoraz in the middle of the forest nearby the lodge. And in the pond a drowner (a waterman) with green hair used to live. There were many rumors about the pond. One of them said that the pond was bottomless.
    A gamekeeper lived in the lodge with his wife. She was young and pretty and she went every day to the pond to wash the laundry. The green waterman watched her working and he fell in love so strong that he stepped out of the pond and asked her to come and live with him. She became so angry. She took a consecrated willow rod and whipped him until he lay crying under her feet. After that the waterman disappeared and the pond slowly dried out.