Meeting in the Czech Republic

  • Our international team of teachers finally met in the Czech Republic. We, the Czechs, were proud to host the meeting in our school in Kladno.

    The guests arrived on Sunday 31st October and left on Saturday 6th November. Two teachers from Greece, three from Lithuania and three from Turkey. From Monday to Friday, they spent their days at our school in lessons, at workshops or in the Kladno area visiting places where the Czech students go when working on parts of the project.

    The schedule was tight since we had a lot to do and only five days to fill in. You can see the simplified version of the schedule here.

    • visiting regular lessons with younger pupils in which students with special needs are included + short workshop with teachers after lessons
    • visiting regular lessons with teenagers in which students with special needs are included + short workshop with teachers after lessons
    • visiting lessons for pupils with special needs (speech disorders, autism) + short workshop with teachers after lessons
    • visiting ice hockey training
    • workshop – eTwinning + Twinspace
    • workshop „How do we work with students with special needs “ Presentation to download is here.
    • local project: Birds of prey 
    • series of workshops: “Teacher’s online instruments”: Padlet, Kahoot, Quizlet, learningapps, Teams, Plickers

    • participation in one day project “Listopadové klání”
      • peer-learning/teaching
      • older students work with the younger ones
    • local museum of Tower Blocks (Housing and living in the fifties)

    The teachers also survived social activities such as welcome and goodbye dinner, bowling and a midday feast prepared by our students and their parents.

    We are very happy that we were able to meet, and we consider the meeting to be a successful one. All of us are looking forward to the next meeting in Turkey.