Simple games (all countries)

  • What can you do to help our environment? We have already discussed the topic with our students at length. They know that they are not able (or willing) to make big changes such as banning all combustion engines, invent new and clean energy sources and other. There are, however, some simple changes in everyday life, sort of small sacrifices, that add up when made by many people help a lot. We chose nine of them to work with.

    Do not take the bus. Ride a bike.
    Turn lights off when you leave an empty room.
    Do not let the water run when you brush your teeth.
    Reuse clean plastic boxes and bottles.
    Separate your waste.
    Turn lights off to make your pocket laugh.
    Take only food you'll be able to eat. Save food.
    Make sure you get eco-friendly products
    Buy local products: from food to clothes.

    Using students ideas and drawings we created simple games to help them memorize al advice in English. Enjoy!