Educational Goals

  • Educational Goals:

    Through the eTwinning Project "Schools Defenders of the Earth" student learn how:


    • To reflect on environmental issues of their city / school, to try to improve them and to gradually become aware of global environmental problems
    • To develop contemplative observation skills, to learn to observe more carefully the world around them, to focus on real problems, to suggest and seek solutions.
    • Be interested in real issues that exist in their wider environment
    • To realize that with their personal action they contribute to a more general change
    • to Adopt environmentally friendly behaviors
    • to get in touch with recycling and reuse materials at school and at home and think about saving natural resources.
    • to adopt simple water saving practices.
    • to raise awareness on issues of protection of living organisms.
    • to raise awareness of the community about environmental problems through a series of actions



    Regarding the learning process

    • Meet peers from other kindergartens, cultivate social and communication skills.

    • Clarify key values such as cooperation and respect for each other.

    • To express themselves freely and creatively in a variety of ways and means


    Regarding ICT

    • To get to know, get acquainted with and use a variety of online tools in order to develop their communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking.

    • develop their computational thinking skills by participate in EU Code Week 2020



    Mission 3- The Water

     • Describe the water cycle and link to it the human activities related to water management.

     • To know the properties of water that make it so valuable.

    •To realize who water reaches our house

    •To know ways to save water, to understand the importance of saving.

    • To acquire a positive attitude towards the saving of water (consume -save -collect water in house, school)

    • To realize that the problem of water pollution is not local and affects directly significant amounts of water and living organisms

    • Τo realize that not everyone has access to drinking water and its lack creates social problems.


    Mission 4- Energy

    •Τo realize what is Energy  

    •To realize what are the sources of energy and where it comes from

    •To know what are the Forms of Energy

    • To realize why the energy is such an important for the human

    •To get in touch with renewable and non-renewable energy sources

    •Το understand what energy waste means and learn how to save


    Mission 5- The 5R's Project

    • Το be aware of the problem of growing garbage and its consequences on our planet.

    • To understand that recycling is one of the right way to manage garbage and save on the raw materials from which recyclable items are made.

    • To know the recyclable materials and how to recycle them.

    • To understand why 5R's (refuse/reduce/reuse/recycle/rot) is important in our lives.

    • To realize that each of us has a responsibility to the environment and the ability to help save it through 5R's.

    Mission 6 - Save the Animals

    To raise awareness and express feelings about animals developing empathy.

    Τo realize hardships and deprivations but also the dangers of homeless animals

    To understand the role of animals in ecosystems and their role in protecting the planet

    To suggest ways to deal with their abandonment and abuse animals

    To cultivate skills in order to undertake information actions school and local community to prevent the abandonment of animals, but also endangered animals (on ice, wildlife in zoos, laboratory animals)