🛑 STOP! - Beethoven gets on eTw-Train

  • 250 years ago, on 16 December 1770, Ludwig van Beethoven was born. To celebrate his anniversary we decided to invite him to get on our eTw-Train.

    Enjoy the meeting with the great composer! Follow the activities here

    RESULTS: Check the Twinboard as well.

    ALMADA, Anselmo de Andrade



    SANTANDER, IES Cantabria

    VITORIA-GASTEIZ, Koldo Mitxelena


  • BEETHOVEN MEETS... - our collection of memes and TALENT shows

    ilion Raphaela Th
    ilion Raphaela K
    11th Junior High School of Ilion, Greece


    11th Junior High School of Ilion, Greece


    11th Junior High School of Ilion, Greece


    11th Junior High School of Ilion, Greece


    11th Junior High School of Ilion, Greece


    Ana S., Srednja skola Donji Miholjac, Croatia
    Iva M., Srednja Skola Donji Miholjac, Croatia

    (image of Vatroslav: https://images.app.goo.gl/9MqqGXT92kqMqmCt8)

    Damiano (Italy) Beethoven meme

    Happy birthday Beethoven!

    Beethoven meets kidd keo

    Alvaro Santander

    Beethoven today

    Jenyffer Santander


    Johanne - Santander

    Valentina Bugin 4 A-TL K.Lorenz school
    Damiano(Italy) Beethoven meme

    The translation is: "whoever knows how to make music makes it, whoever knows how to do it less, teaches it, whoever even less, organizes it, whoever knows how to do little, criticizes it."

    Lea A., Srednja Škola Donji Miholjac, Croatia
    Janja M., Srednja škola Donji Miholjac

    Beethoven weets Ferdo Livadić

    Tina, Srednja škola Donji Miholjac, Croatia

    Beethoven meeting Fernando Lopes-Graça, a famous Portuguese composer.
    Sofia V. PT

    Stella T., Srednja škola Donji Miholjac, Croatia
    Valerio Italy
    Valerio Bacchin Italy


    Mia Z., Srednja škola Donji Miholjac
    Matea F., Srednja skola Donji Miholjac, Croatia

    (Image of Ivan Lukačić https://www.google.com/search?q=ivan+luka%C4%8Di%C4%87&sxsrf=ALeKk00zBykOMeUkxvtc6s1AKymf7tzOkQ:1608549811951&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi_2ZOB-97tAhWHDOwKHaIjA94Q_AUoAXoECAQQAw&biw=1536&bih=754#imgrc=CU74RImMt9TOUM)

    Koldo Mitxelena meets Beethoven

    Maider and Irati



    Asier Cl, KM
    Happy birthday Beethoven!

    Giulia Tanduo Italy


    Kaila and Garazi

    Mario R. Srednja Škola Donji Miholjac, Croatia

    Vatroslav Lisinski meets Beethoven meme

    K.Lorenz Gazzato Samuele
    Francesco M.


    Marco (Italy)

    Traslation: There is classical music so good that it becomes popular and light, and there is light music so good that it becomes classical. When the music is beautiful, it is beautiful.

    Favaro_Giulio (K.Lorenz Italy)

    Beethoven meme

    Enrico 4Atl Beethoven's Meme.
    Valentina 4 A-TL


    Beethoven is overrated

    Ekain, Ander A (KM)

    Andrea K. Lorenz school Italia
    Koldo Mitxelena- Beethoven meme

    Saioa and Maria

    Mostopapi and Beeth

    Iker De Luis

    Haizea and Ziortza

    Koldo Mitxelena

    BEETHOVEN meme - Miguel PT
    Live session with portugal

    Uxue Ibañez, Izaro Rubio eta Alazne Minguez

    " target="_blank">Link
    Patrick M. (k.Lorenz - Italy) Beethoven's Meme

    Translation:"Listening to others isn't convenient, I only believed in myself and apparently I did well"

    Beethoven mem


    Bethoven meme


    Make other men happy

    Izaro and Silvia (KM)

    Beethoven with Maurice Ravel

    Asier V- Koldo Mitxelena-Vitoria

    Bethoven meme

    Aner (KM)

    Beethoven meme

    Sara and Naia (KM)

    beethoven meme

    António Pinho Vargas meets Me, LeonorPT :p

    beethoven meme

    I'll try to be brief, LeonorPT

    Beethoven meets Chopin

    by Kopernik, PL

    Beethoven meets Chopin

    by Kopernik, PL