
  • SURVEY ACTIVITY Creation and application of a survey to the students and teachers to have data about what school community knows about Bullying and EU projects – all partners schools. Students in a online collaboration create questions for survey after first Project activities.

    BULLYING WEEK ACTIVITY May can be the month of the Heart. In the first week of May partners schools organize school activities related to preventation and anti-bullying to struggle for bullying at schools: art exhibitions, drama presentation and debates.

    LONG-TERM ACTIVITY (05/2021-09/2021): Song "Do not bully, be my buddy” Each partner school will create a song with this topic (lyric and music) – each school creates a competition about coposing a song among the students. In last Short-term Exchanges of Group of Pupils (Poland), each partner school presents is own song. Songs will be uploaded in website/social networks/ Twinspace of the Project and partners schools.




    We have informed our students about the activity in our Teams classrooms, in the disemination poster and on the schools website. Some of the students participated by putting #tabwalkorrun in their announcement on Instagram or Facebook.

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    Survey activity :

    we made a survey about bullying among all partner schools and the students of all partner schools answered it and here is the survey and the results : 



    May survey.docx

    survey results-MAY.docx


    Song Activity : 

    our students made some songs about antibullying and friendship. 

    we made a competition among them and our students chose one song as winner.

    Here it is : 


    TURKEY song.docx


    The month of the Heart

     Our  students prepared antibullying hearts and took photos and sent us





    The month of the Heart

    During online lessons we asked students to prepare antibullying hearts and took photos, 

    and so on ......

    We had also special lessons for the whole week to talk about antibyllying stuff. We did tha task "Above the line, below the line" We read and discussed the story "Better than you" and we watched a graphic movie "How to beat a bully without using your fists"

    We organised #tabwalkorrun sport challenge to encourage students to spend more time outside - in the challenge students and teachers had to spend minimum 30 minutes outside walking or running. 46 students and 10 teachers took part in it, We spent 722 hours and walked/ran 3145 km. 


    We are again at school after a long time so we had dedicated hearts art classes to prepare hearts.


    We had song competitions and our students created 3 very nice songs.

    SONG Dont be a bully be my buddy POLAND.docx



    National Literature contest 2021 – Topic: respect the differences. Title: The beauty is hidden in differences

    European week ( Day of Europe and e-Twinning Day)

    1. Sport challenge #walkrunride


    2.Free time activities- MUSIC, ART AND LITERATURE ( How do pupils cope with the lockdowns and how do they take care of their mental health)




    Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal Portugal 


    Special Needs Students

    «What about our heart?»


    WEEK «School withou Bullying, School without violence» 24-28 may 2021

    Activities are presentd in the Multiplier events-Portugal.

    During this school year, we witnessed, slowly and subtly, the increase of greater instability, irritability, sadness, needs of various kinds, by the universe of students of various ages. However, it is in the age group from 10 to 15 years old that we see an increase of minor violence and misunderstandings from different areas.
    Together with the psychologist at our school, teachers developed several actions, working with the students and classes concerned. We feel that these actions may not have immediate changes, but we must continue to work on the civic and emotional formation of children and young people.
    In this context, comes this week, which was made possible with the return to school and face-to-face teaching, after another confinement of several months. Different areas/subjects spontaneously became involved.

    Interestingly, on the 4th of the 26th there was a serious accident with a student who was being bullied and subjected to violence by another classmate, when both, along with other classmates, were returning home from school. When running away from the classmate who beat him, the student went to the road having been run over. Luckily he is well and healthy and recovering well physically. This event took place in a municipality next to ours and is raising several debates at a national level, involving everything from the media to politicians and government.


    Survey Activity

    At the end of the month/begining of June, we made a survey about bullying among school comunity:

    Results of survey: