• General evaluation

    1.Pedagogical innovation and creativity

    A pedagogical module in 5 sequences and 10 languages proposes the activities related to the general objective for an annual progress. It can be adapted the school specific conditions (curriculum, level of students) and mainly related to STEM and ICT competences.
    The general organization: Schools and students’ presentations, organization of the storage of the images (materials and Google drive), coordination of the measures, annual progress is explained in the work process page.
    The “task forces” arrangement allowed to work on student autonomy during the first months, which proved to be very useful during periods of lockdown.


    2. Curricular integration

    All the activities and their objectives can be integrated to any school curriculum (kindergarten, primary, middle and high school). They are mainly related and evaluated to the key competences in STEM and ICT.
    The general objective allows a multidisciplinary approach (arts, history, foreign language). The productions are archived in the transdisciplinary activities page of the Eratosthenes Earth Experiment group.


    3. Partner school communication and interaction

    This year Home measures during spring and autumn lockdowns (59%) took precedence over the organization in task forces with experimental or ICT elementary tasks in international teams.
    The results are published in the 265 daily pages and in the 12 monthly newsletters.
    6 home videoconferences were organized during the spring lockdown with reports of measures by the students (with an on line Kahoot on march 29th.)


    4.Collaboration between partner schools

    The Students of the “Enter the data” task force communicate in real time, sharing their data measurements in the google sheet. Depending on the different time zones, the western partner of the “Draw the figure” task force can immediately draw the Geogebra figure.
    This process was accomplished during videoconferences in April and May when students realized coordinated live measures, exchanged their results, and calculated the circumference of the Earth.
    In the calendar of collaborative measures, important events are fixed and unavoidable astronomical dates. A strategy of communication between teachers for the coordination of the measures uses social networks.


    5. Use of technology

    The common ICT tools are adapted to the different activities
    Creative tools for the presentations (Powerpoint, Windows Movie Maker, Kizoa ).
    The choice of Google drive for the measurements (google sheets for data and google slides for photographs) is justified in the work process.
    A tutorial explains how to draw the Geogebra geometric figure from the data sheet, thereby promoting their autonomy.
    The registered students have access to the private publications of the Twinspace. For ease of use by students, the edition of the data sheet is unrestricted and teachers manage student access to their folder in google drive.
    The teachers obtain the parents’ agreement for the publications of the photographs. They set the behaviour rules about privacy for publications in Padlets (Personal informations are limited to the private forums). They make sure that no document protected by copyrights is published.


    6. Results, impact, and documentation

    The general objective (Demonstrate that the Earth is round and calculate its circumference) is totally achieved. Although simple, this goal is increasingly challenged by our students, misinformed on social networks by conspiracy theories promoted by the Flat Earth Society.
    The newletters and the other special events are disseminated by our Dissemination page. “La Main à la Pâte”. The educational documents are shared with the Scientix community
    The ancient archival work of Eratosthenes from Alexandria provided by the website eratosthenes.eu ensures the sustainability of the eTwinning project since 2005.


    TOP 10 eTwinning schools

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    Number of measures per school

    Statistics 2005-2020


  • Quality labels

    National quality label

    Lafrançaise (Eric)

    National quality label

    Aigio-Greece (Aspasia)

    QL-Iuliana Ciubuc-Romania


    National Quality Label

    11th Junior High School of Ilion, A1 ICT class 2020-2021

    European Quality Label is awarded to our project! 👍👍👍👍👍
    EQL Iuliana Ciubuc -Busteni-Romania