We have done it!

  • One of the fundamental difficulties we face in teaching maths is that students find maths too hard and abstract. Thus this project aimed at making the teaching of maths interactive and thus move it closer to the students’ everyday use of technology (e.g. smartphones) by introducing new technologies to the teaching of maths or in other words to adapt the educational system to the explosive use of technology.

    In and between all meetings we used the open source software GeoGebra in various ways. GeoGebra visualises abstract mathematical connections and thus eases their understanding. We designed games and riddles, presented different applications such as the investigation of architecture or the localisation of the epicentre of an earthquake using GeoGebra and maths. Furthermore, we let students develop and teach lessons in multinational teams using of course GeoGebra. All these activities were developed and prepared between the meetings in a constant process by permanent communication and cooperation. All the results (GeoGebra files) were uploaded to GeoGebraTube to six different books (one in each language of the participating countries and one in English). Additionally we also produced and uploaded various online courses about the use of these files. Since the project language was English, all cooperation and communication, all presentations and other activities such as the teaching of maths happened in English. So we can claim that we made the teaching of maths more interactive and multilingual. This claim is strengthened by the feedback we received by the teachers of the particular host school, who were only involved in one specific meeting and were stunned by the possibilities of GeoGebra after having seen a presentation or sat in a lesson given by students.

    The results are all in this Twinspace on the page Project activity.