Project Main Lines, Topics and Ethics

  • North South, from the Baltic to the Atlantic 2019-2020

    This project will enable pupils and teachers living close to the Baltic sea, the Northern sea and the Atlantic Oceanto get to know each other better, to widen up their horizons, open up to different cultures and so to share similar and diverse ways of living, on top of ideas about their life in their communities, at school and with their family, how they are linked in the way they live close to the Baltic, the Northern seas or the Atlantic, how their region or country manages to open up to other European countries, and even other parts of the worldin terms of touristic, economic and humanitarian projects that go along living and sharing our world in harmony with better respect or support of each other.


    With this project we aim at giving our pupils the possibility and subsequent means to enlarge their language skills - mainly English as a key language to communication and better understanding of the others / the other and possibly other languages to discover what is part and part of the others' identity and culture, using ICTwriting e-mails or exchanging contributions of various types via the use of the tools  and various means of displays offered or that can be used with the e-Twinning platform and the project Twinspace (like Padlets, Thinglink, Madmagz,, etc), and such as skype or forums whenever possible and adequate. So doing they will be part of the e-Twinning community that bounds schools and people around similar goals, they will develop or build up their sense of belonging to an open minded and supportive community , first along the North South , Baltic - Atlantic lines, and then hopefully to broader horizons.


    The different partner schools and coordinating teachers will be in charge of planning the key topics of the project and the way it develops over this second year.

     Each month a new contribution will be expected , may it be a simple e-mail exchange between pupils that can arouse interest within our classes and language lessons and foster their curiosity of the other and so develop their need to communicate and use ICT tools via the Twinspace.

    All the pupils will be registered as members with the possibility to log in freely from school or home to get them involved not only on school basis meetings, but on a more personal and everyday life way of interest and concern.

    As the project develops pupils will be encouraged to work in pairs, in school teams, and finally in widening up the teams and mixing the pupils from any of the other schools, along the same North South, Baltic-Atlantic line thus sharing a project based on common spirit and mutual grounds.


    ALL TOGETHER,  we will endeavour - when working and supporting each other - to develop our teaching practices while building up the project, and so doing let our STUDENTS share and enjoy the possibility to open up to the world of their partners, also developing their language and ICT skills, as well as a sense of belonging to a supportive community that will help them along enlarge their skills, their fields of knowledge, their open mindedness, their concerns, and their sense of responsibility and citizenship to a larger extent, and so enjoy a friendly respectful present as well as get ready for a sustainable future.


    ALL Project members and visitors should comply with the subsequent Project ethics and rules: to keep in mind to share, support each other and respect each other, as well as the personal information that may be contained within the pages, photos, videos, any kind of contributions or live events that will be part of our project: 'North South, from the Baltic to the Atlantic 2019-2020'.

                                                     THANKS to ALL for JOINING and ENJOYING the Project!


    ENGLISH is the main communicative language but to go on getting to know each other better it would be great to keep learning a few key words from each partners' school's national language, all the more as some of our pupils or ourselves are of various origins and it's great to keep inherited languages alive, too, as part of our respectvive cultures, identities and so doing as part of our common European Identity and Wealth!
     ENGLISH + dansk, Deutsch, français, lietuvių kalba,  português, polski
    Age range:
    From 10 to 16 
    Art, Citizenship, Cross Curricular, Environmental Education, European Studies, Foreign Languages, Geography, History of Culture, Primary School Subjects