The 28th Lyceum of Thessaloniki is a state senior high school that provides general education to students aged 15-18. Established in 1988 in a working class area of Thessaloniki as a small scale school has passed through several successive expansions. For the current school year the school hosts 300 pupils and 24 teachers. It’s a morning shift school and the working hours are from 8 am to 14 pm without a lunch break, which is the normal practice in Greek schools.
The majority of the students are Greek (95%).There is a small number of students of different origin, namely from Albania, Georgia, Ukraine or other former Eastern European Countries. Most of them were born in Greece, their parents being part of the big immigrant flow of the ’ 90s. Greek educational system does not provide language classes for these second generation immigrants. All the students are taught modern, ancient Greek and English, as a foreign language.
The 28th High School does not provide high quality facilities. There is an infolab and a science lab almost fully equipped. The school yard is spacious enough to be used by pupils during the breaks and as grounds for athletic activities. However, we have long way ahead to cover our needs there are many needs still to be covered but the economic crisis that plagues our country for the last years has triggered austerity measures and unavoidably diminished even more the insufficient educational funds.
The curriculum of Greek school is rather strict and there is little room for extracurricular activities. Moreover students of the last grade have to go through very tough exams in order to enter the University.