119 Secondary school "Akademician Mihail Araudov" has primary, low and high secondary classes.It’s one of the biggests schools in Sofia. The students are between 7 and 19 years old and the total number is about 1800. The teachers are about 130. In a high secondary there are different directions: Languages /English, Russian and French/, History and Philosophy, Natural science / Biology, Geography and Chemistry/ and ICT /Maths and Computer technologies/. The theme of the project is interesting, it will foster interdisciplinary learning and will integrate using of technology, studying, playing and learning in the classroom. We expect that this will have strong impact on the pedagogical approach and students motivation will be reinforced for all aspects of learning. This new partnership will give a new chance to students (seeing the future of the cities), to teachers (comparing again different teaching methods and improving learning by providing opportunities in real world settings). We expect that students horizons will expand and their aspirations will raise, and help them to develop intercultural understanding and new perspectives in their own learning. Collaborate online through eTwinning and other social media activities will help teachers and students to improve their ICT skills, linguistic and interpersonal skills.