The project LET’S BUILD THE CITY OF OUT FUTURE is a collaboration of 4 schools: France (2 schools – one from Paris region and the other in overseas territory island - Reunion), Bulgaria and Greece. It’s a project of international cooperation, international relations of four places with different culture, different educational systems and different integration in EU because of their location. The priority of the partnership LET’S BUILD THE CITY OF OUR FUTURE is through using ICT and English as a foreign language to study in non-formal class environment with a help of games and to share didactics and teachers’ opinion about the future of the cities in our digital era. During the project period, our goal will be to use new technologies and to make students think of the city of their future. What is the city they would like to live in? How vital will be the role of new technologies in buildings, infrastructure, transports? How can we increase the use of clear and renewable energy? Moreover, what will be a city’s inhabitants’ needs throughout ages? We will focus on the development and the evaluation of the new topics that we implement in the school lessons of Geography, History, Ethics and ICT. The easiest way of learning is playing with joy and enjoying the results. That is the motivation to create games as final, sustainable products - board and online games to help students learning about Europe playing in non-formal context with classmates and friends through an international content. We hope to make our students understand they should have a position in their future environment. Also that school should not be an isolated, closed community-it should be the place where young people and future citizens learn how to play an active role in a democratic society. We will achieve these goals by involving our students in formal and non-formal teaching activities. Over the following two years they will study, conduct research, do field work, use new technologies, compile questionnaires, prepare presentations and so on. They will also be in contact with governmental organizations and local authorities. They will collect data, elaborate them, think critically and draw conclusions. All the work will be done in national and mixed groups. The teachers will encourage the transnational collaboration via e Twinning and will use the benefits of the platform during the learning, teaching and training activities. By working together on different data coming from their own country, the students will become aware of similarities and differences in various aspects: history, geography, mentality, way of life etc. This is absolutely vital for the students to enhance intercultural understanding, tolerance and develop a European identity. Working together with their European schoolmates and living with them during mobilities will provide our students with the ideal opportunity to improve their foreign language skills and gain confidence. Besides, the selection of the students will not be based on their grades. Students who face economical and geographical obstacles and less diligent ones will also have the chance to participate and obtain a different school experience and in this way their relationship with schooling will be improved and early school dropping will be prevented. To ensure the project communication and to implement the objectives we have teams for responsibility and support: coordination (France - Brétigny), evaluation (Greece), dissemination(France - Réunion), final output–the game (Bulgaria), mobility and activities, organization teams (coordinators of each school). Furthermore, we will involve not only students but their parents. Via our clear, strict timetable all teams will manage activities and follow deadlines strictly. The researchers and activities are shared between the partners and all will be responsible for the better passing of project. Instead of separation in different teams the project schedule is based on support and collaboration of the participants. The project LET’S BUILD THE CITY OF OUR FUTURE will leave : - tangible results : board and online games, new ICT skills, improved spoken English, eTwinning project page, diaries, brochures, reports and etc. - intangible results : ways of working, changes in students attitudes and many insights gained that shown afterwards. We will use the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform for the visualization of the achievement and results sharing. The School Education Gateway will promote our project through a public website. Therefore, our project will be opened to other educational stakeholders in order to encourage cooperation between schools and other organizations. We strongly believe that our project will trigger students’ thinking on the future they would like to live in (cities, building, transports, energies). And since future planning outgrows national boundaries the ideal setting to do this is within a European strategic partnership.
This project is co-funded by the European Union.
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