How did you choose the project partners?

  • uThe partnership was established as a result of the interest in the topic expressed by all partner schools. We aimed to attain diversity of backgrounds, which is why we chose schools from cities, towns and rural areas, both private and public bodies. We selected the partner from Bulgaria due to the high rates of obesity among students, which will determine a conscientious effort on the part of this partner in order to work for the attainment of goals. We chose the Polish partner due to their experience with Erasmus+ and the wealth of sports facilities they have, which can be a model for the other schools. The Turkish and Spanish partners joined the partnership following an announcement we published online, as they were interested not only in the topic, but also in providing their students with the chance to meet and interact with other students from Europe and their desire to get a great number of teachers involved.
    uEST and PL will provide the inexperienced partners with step-by-step assistance and guidance. All details about the project implementation will be rediscussed after the approval of the project in online kick-off meetings. As mentioned before, the coordinator will propose template documents to help the local project management and the reporting. These will be discussed by all partners and together we will create the final formats.
    uBefore exchanges, we will have online meetings coordinated by the host institutions in which we exchange details and ideas for the smooth running of the event. During each exchange, teachers will meet and discuss possible problems that may arise at partner school level, will exchange ideas and good practices about the project activities. Besides this, any issue can be addressed on the WhatsApp group at any time, so that we can provide assistance immediately.