We have planned 5 exchanges for the attainment of objectives:

  • u1– Lack of physical exercise and obesity – current trends. The first exchange is training event in which the problems of obesity and lack of physical exercise are analysed comparatively. School counsellors discuss the psychological effects on the students and create a methodology for the entire project so as to diminish the uneasiness of some sts to get involved. They also discuss ways of involvement of parents.
    u2 - Obesity – causes and effects. During C1, each partner is assigned a task for the preparation of C2. Sts present their work on the topic and work collaboratively with their European peers to create materials (posters) meant to raise awareness about the problem of lack of exercise, sedentarism and unhealthy eating. The host PE teachers run dynamic activities. A psychologist and a doctor run discussions with sts and parents about the effects of obesity.
    u3 – You are what you eat - How to have a balanced diet –the host organize seminars and workshops about principles of healthy eating – shopping for groceries, preparing healthy meals, adapting unhealthy traditional dishes in order to make them more health-friendly. Parents are invited to attend the activities so that they also become more responsible and knowledgeable about healthy eating and they support their children in the long run.
    u4 -Sports that can be performed in small groups. Each team has to present and involve all students in dynamic activities that they can perform in small groups during regular school breaks on the school premises. Each country will suggest activities that are specific of their country and will evaluate which of the activities are the most engaging. After the exchange, PE teachers from each school use the activities in their classes, as a method of dissemination.
    u5 - Hiking and outdoor activities – the host organizes field trips. Each team will suggest outdoor games that they play on the field trip. Parents attend too. We expect parents to be an active part of the project activities to ensure the sustainability of the results on their children.
    uThrough these transnational exchanges, participants and accompanying teachers will be able to analyse the different realities from European countries. Students discuss the dangers of sedentarism and unhealthy eating, as well as the benefits of spending time outdoors, changing their behavior step by step. Parents become more involved in their children’s lives and support them on the path to healthy living.
    uAfter each exchange, partner schools continue to implement the exchange activities on a regular basis and share data and observations on eTwinning. The evaluation process has 4 main stages corresponding to the 4 exchanges, which will aim to see the extent to which the meeting objectives as well as the overall project objectives have been reached. Also, after each exchange, teachers work together to develop the materials for the final brochures.