Try to learn, study and participate in the competitions very well !

  • Lithuania-Kaunas

    To be a good citizen is to help other people and develop your knowledge, improve computer skills.

    So Our students often participate in the different competitions! OLYMPIS is  National English Competition ! It is one of the favorite competitions our pupils ! This year they were awarded certificates for the fantastic rezult ! Our students understand They have to learn English because have got a lot of friends who speak English ! This language helps them communicate ! We are proud of our pupils !




    Estonian children visited Tartu Old Observatory, which is included in the UNESCO world heritage list. 

    They participated there in an educational programme "Volcanoes and Earthquakes". Now my student know how to:
    -describe the internal structure of the Earth
    -explain how the Earth’s core can be studied and why this is necessary
    -explain why volcanoes evolve and erupt
    -name the most important parts of a volcano
    -explain what causes earthquakes and what they can result in
    -behave during an earthquake



    We feel von inge-keck

    Colorful Animals von inge-keck

    Our senses von inge-keck



    Our school has created a book 'The Best Part of Us' which now sits at the front entrance of our school for all to see. The book has each student write what the 'best' thing about themselves in regards to literacy (English learning) or Numeracy (Math skills) and a picture of that child doing their chosen activity. Ther students are very proud of the skills they have achieved and of the book completion.


    How to become the best!  Our young athletes from Runowo - Poland showed the best result ! They won the competition and received the first place medals in "II  Olympic Games for  Kids " 2016.


    How to become the best! Our young pupils from Lithuania - Kedainiai showed how to do it! You have to help other and develop your skills. You can see the train which is made by kids! Kindergarten "Pasaka" gave this amazing train to Railway museum in Lithuanian capital Vilnius. The teachers and kids were awarded :) There is one more the need  job in our project we can be proud of this result!!!! The first place!!! And you are the winner!!!!
    Their Train