Result of project

  • Let's read ,what is written about us and our project

    'How to Become the Best'


    There is an articale about us and our project. Please , click here


    p. 7 and p. 21

    The First Common Job !!!

    Finally , we have the first common job!!!! This is our LOGO ! Rasa created it !
    I am proud of our team ! Your students have proved that they know the aims our project and they know which countries participate in it and pupils can draw our partners' flags ! :)
    I think It's the good start :)



    There is a small film how we created the LOGO !


                   2.  Let's learn the song ' I Want to Be Your Friend'


    The third common job : Our Christmas Trees !!!!!

    Thank you , dear partners , for the christmas decorations !!!! Now we have got 6 Christmas Trees . And this is one more the common job !

    This activity helped our students learn to share with the friends and to work together in the team ! We hope this Christmas Tree brought  happiness and jollity to your school and ,of course, reminded about us, eTwinning friends !


    The common job 4: Learn the song and sing together !

    Created with Padlet

     The Common Job 5:  The Pink Shirt Day

    The common job 5 is to plant trees or sow grass , to make our world green !

    We live in the different places of the world  but we show how we can work together ! There is a video about how we are planting and looking  after them!


     Let's remember all activitie and events !!!!

    Creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, initiative and self-direction – these are just some  skills which teachers strive to develop in students to ensure lifelong, active learning.

    A large part of the learning experience in kindergarten and first four grades is socialization. Children are learning to cooperate and share with peers, to take part in group activities and talks, and to take responsibility for their own actions and for their own learning. For kindergarten and first four grades, beginning to recognize that good citizenship behavior is based on certain principles such as I respect, I am responsible, I want to know, and I belong.
    We consider , our students have already learned 10 rules: "How to Become the Best".

    1. Volunteer to be active in your community

    2. Be honest and trustworthy

    3. Follow rules and laws

    4. Respect the rights of others

    5. Be informed about the world around you

    6. Respect the property of other

    7. Be compassionate

    8. Take responsibility for your actions

    9. Be a good neighbour

    10. Protect the environment

     and they can answer what they have to do that  to become  a good citizen.