22. Part A of the guide: “Educational value of advertising in the classroom: development of critical thought and promotion of positive values”


    1. Introduction 


    Advertising is part of our day to day and that it exerts a great influence on children and that it tries to influence their attitudes and behaviors and seller, in addition to the product, lifestyles, attitudes, and values ​​that, many times, they are not the most suitable. Advertising is part of their life, he finds on TV, in the movies, on the street, on the Internet ... Also, he is part of our entertainment. Many children of the public messages addressed to them disguise themselves among games, movies, television shows, etc. synthesis and criticism they must be designed from ads that have been created for the sole purpose of the seller. For this, it is necessary to develop the critical capacity before the messages they received from the different media. It is not possible to completely avoid the display of advertising by minors, but it is in our hands helping to reduce, control and become more about the implications of the consumption of commercial content.

    Besides, the Council of Europe emphasizes the values ​​of equality and the protection of minorities. This project will focus on how we can promote intercultural competencies, social inclusion, non-discrimination, the development of critical thinking and values ​​such as tolerance and gender equality, all with motivating axis, advertising. Likewise, it also focuses on the educational value of the European Heritage, the commitment to Multilingualism and the development of digital skills.


    2. Activities Preprimary




    3. Activities Primary


    Workshop: What do you need from what you buy?


    How do the workshop:


    What do we need?

    To carry out the activity, only paper and pencil will be necessary.

    Steps to follow

    1. We should divide pupils who participate in subgroups. 
    Each of them is given a list with the following things:

    • Own bedroom.
    • Sweet.
    • Education
    • Nutritive food.
    • Protection against discrimination.
    • A T.V.
    • Money to spend as you want.
    • Vacation trips.
    • The opportunity to express your opinion and be heard.
    • Drinking water.
    • Protection against abuse and neglect.
    • Fashion clothes.
    • A bike.
    • The opportunity to practice your own religion.
    • A computer.
    • Medical attention when you need it.
    • Clean Air.
    • Public places to be with friends and play sports.
    • An MP3
    • A house.

    Next, we will explain that this is the list of things that all the people who inhabit a small city, after an intense debate, have chosen as important to live. But later a crisis comes and they are forced to reduce the list to only 7 things, the most essential.

    Each group will have to decide, in 20 or 30 minutes, with what 7 things they stay and write them down on paper.

    Once the time has passed, each group counts their 7 things and they are written on a blackboard or sheet of paper.

    If the lists of the different groups do not match, a debate opens on those things where there are no coincidences.

    To help the debate, questions such as the following can be launched:

    • What items on the list were wishes and which needs? What is the difference between desires and needs?
    • Do desires and needs differ from one person to another? And from one society to another? Why or why not?
    • Do we consume according to needs or wishes?
    • Do we consume all of them equally?


    Teresa Fernández Ulloa

    Watch this ads: 

    Nenuco and Gormiti doll

    a) Individual questions:
    - What is advertised?
    - What audience is it for?
    - What people appear in it?
    - Do you know any other similar ad?

    b) Questions to ask in small groups (4 people):
    - Have you ever had any of these toys?
    - When you bought it, was it as shown in the ad?
    - Who were you playing with?
    - What is your opinion about the ad? Did you like it? What would you change?
    - Do you think there are different toys for boys and girls? Reason

    c) Activity in pairs
    - Creation of a public announcement (recorded with a tablet and passed to Moviemaker to make the necessary cuts and that is not very long, about 30 seconds long) of a toy that you like.

    Steps to follow:
    - Possible toys. Choice and agreement between the couple.
    - We think ...

    • How can we sell it?
    • How we will focus the ad.
    • We create a slogan with a logo.
    • We recorded the video.
    • We add music that conveys the sensations we want to create in the
    • viewer
    • Exhibition in class.