8. Anti-consumerism poster

  • Students will create a poster following this rules:


    1. Each school will be in charge of this info with their students:

    • Thinking about the message
    • Catchword
    • Images/ Drawings

    2. Another School will create the poster with the information from the other school


    3. The order would be:


    Sharing the activity
    Instructions Make the poster
    Spain Poster 1 - Poland
    Poland Poster 2 - Greece
    Greece Poster 3 - Romania
    Romania Poster 4 - Croatia
    Croatia Poster 5 - Italy
    Italy Poster 6 - Spain



    Google Drive


  • Here we have the Posters

    Greek poster

    The Greek students made this poster following the instructions of the Polish students

    Spanish poster

    The Spanish students made this poster following the instructions of the Italian students

    Polish poster