Spain: Progress Report (Sept19-Jan20)

  • Basque Country (Spain): Progress Report (Sept19-Jan20)


    In this report we are going to explain our achievements during the first term (September-January) of working on the project “Sustainable Living and Travelling in the EU”.


    The first thing we did when they gave us the opportunity to join this project, was to decide the days we were going to do our meetings.

    Then, we recorded a video to present our school.

    We made some posters about sustainable travelling and sustainability in general and we put them next to our ERASMUS+ corner. 


    After that, we started to look for reliable information about sustainability and ways of helping our planet’s situation nowadays by making a list of possible projects. 



    After some meetings with the Erasmus+ group, we decided to make a performance with puppets for little children to explain them the importance of recycling and how to make our world get better.

    That way, children can be more conscious about how to cope with global warming and sustainable living. 





    In order to inform and raise awareness among our schoolmates, we have created two posters and placed them on our ERASMUS+ corner.

    For the poster, we searched for information about sustainability. Not only what it is, but also why it is so important. In the second poster, we specifically focused on sustainable travelling. We first explained the main concept and then gave some examples of how to travel sustainably.


    After this, we also found a way to keep all this information in digitally.






    At the beginning of this project we started making a PowerPoint presentation about ERASMUS+ and “Sustainable Living and Travelling in the EU”. We thought that explaining this to the students was a nice idea, and we did so. 

    In the PowerPoint, we show ways for helping our planet and travelling the most sustainable possible. 



    We thought that a good idea of showing people about the importance of sustainability could be by making a game. Kahoot is an app which makes online trivials to compete with your friends while you learn new things. This game is currently available in and we have played it in class. 


    AGENDA 21

    Agenda 21 is an action plan of the United Nations concerning sustainable development. There is a group of teachers in our school who is taking part in this project, helping our school become as sustainable as possible, and they are specifically focused on a STOP PLASTIC campaign. 

    That is why when we started working on the “Sustainable Living in the European Union” project, we contacted the Agenda 21 group. Now we are all working together towards our common objective.


    Supervised by the Agenda 21 group, a club of students called EkoDelegatuak  (EcoDelegates) has been created . This group aims to raise awareness about sustainability and has the duty to organise the waste and make sure all the trash bins are emptied and the rubbish is recycled.


    One of the campaigns the EkoDelegatuak group recently carried out was making a dance to spread the message “STOP PLASTIC”.