
  • International Day of persons with Disability in Naoussa

    Students' impressions of activities for people with disabilities


    Sign language and song


    We also celebrated the international Day of persons with Disability by participating in various awareness – raising acfirities planned and organized by the special Vocational Education and Training Institute of Naoussa. 

    The aim of the acfirities was to increase students’  understanding of disability issues and develop their empathy with people with disabilities. 

    All the students of our school took part in them.

    Wheelchair Basketball :


    Sitting Volleyball :

    Sign language and song:

    Braille writing:

    Theatre workshop

    Sensory game:

    crafts workshop with left hand:



    Turning disability into ability

    The key message of our poster is that a child with special needs is no less than a child without disability and can achieve great things in life. Turning disability into ability starts by teaching people what a person can do instead of what they cannot.



    The celebration of the Disability Day at ICS “D’Alessandro-Vocino” has taken place on the 3rd of December 2019 with a conference of Ms Filomena Navarro, former Councillor of the Italian Blind Union Association which is member of the European Blind Union and the World Blind Union. She has talked about her life as a blind, telling that she lost her sight because of an accident when she was 7 years old, then she had to learn to be autonomous and to use the Braille alphabet. This has helped her to find refuge in culture and each time she felt sad she used to read a book. A blind person develops the senses of touch and hearing, but technology has greatly improved her life thanks to braille computers and  mobile phones with voice recognition. Filomena has explained that to write braille by hand, you need an awl, a tablet and special thick paper sheets. She has also shown students how to write in Braille alphabet and finally the students have asked some questions to find more about her feelings and experience. Filomena has also stated the importance of the Italian association called “La lega del filo d’oro” that takes care of blind deaf people. https://centro-nazionale-sordociechi.legadelfilodoro.it/