In our schools: mediation and peer support program in Aldaia



    Where and when: IES Salvador Gadea (Aldaia) | 2019-2020



    Students: 61 students (13 to 16 years old)

    Teachers: 28 teachers (all school departments represented)

    Other educational community members: Local Red Cross Delegation, Local Youth Center



    1. To ensure that every student feels included.

    2. To prevent and solve conflicts.


    What and how:

    a) In September 2019, on the second day of the scholar term, 6 teachers and 16 mediation and peer support program students welcomed the younger newcomers (12 years old) by sharing games and sports in a nearby park.

    b) All along the present scholar year 2019-2020, 6 teachers and a team of students are proposing sports (everyday), chess (on Tuesdays) and alternative and cooperative games (on Thursdays) during the morning break, to offer a safe space to students with relationship difficulties.

    c) Since November 2019, 2 teachers and 12 students are particularly attentive, during breaks and classroom changes, to 12 vulnerable students, to guarantee they are being respected. 5 students are also being tutored individually, on a weekly basis, by 5 teachers that coordinates themselves with the correspondent group tutors.

    d) 61 students and 28 teachers have received training in mediation and meet monthly for continuous training activities and cooperate with a local Red Cross project and the local Youth Center activities. They are committed to survey their respective real contexts and social networks, to detect and inform about relationship issues, to analyse which are to be solved and to address conflicts through mediation.