Climate Change & Environmental Challenges

  • What are the environmental and climatic characteristics of the countries in our partnership?
    Have there been changes?
    Here are the conclusions of our students who worked collaboratively in mixed international groups to gather information about the 6 partner countries.

  • Climate Change & Environmental Challenges: take action!

    Take action!

    Giorgia & Kimberly

    Agenda 2030

    Goal 13

    Goal 13

    The 3 R's

    Each little act counts!

    Maddalena & Angela

    Climate change

    Marianna, Freddy, Margherita

    Hint & Tips

    little steps ...

    Come on! Step up to the plate.

    Aurora & Greta


    Greta & Sofia

    Plastic Free!

    Nadà & Valentina

    stop plastic

    hello everybody, I live in Reunion and it's very hot, so we buy water bottles almost every day and I think that for our planet and to reduce pollution, the solution would be that we all have water bottles or glass bottles to avoid plastic.
    Well, I hope you'll think about it.
    see you soon, salomé

    Climate changes and our impact

    Over the years our environment has been progressvely damaged by our industrial and techonological adavncements. At this point it is a real challenge to reverse the harm that we have caused. It is our duty, since this is our only home for now, to cherish and preserve it as best as we canso we can keep thriving sustainbly. Cunha

    Save our Planet!

    On a daily basis, topics like climate change aren't usually taken seriously by the human population. Althought this topic doesn't have many attetion it is something we should really be worried about. By changing our behaviours little by little ,together, we can make a change. Earth is our home and if we let ourselves forget about that then we are lost. We can't just keep on living and pretend nothing is happening. If we do that, in a short amount of time, there won't be any more life to live.
    Catarina, Madeira Island.