Intl Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

  • The 25th of November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

    Let's join the campaign promoted by the United Nations to eliminate violence and take a stand against Gender-Based Violence!

    Image credit: Artwork for the UN Women interactive website, Violence Against Women: Facts Everyone Should Know. Image: UN Women

     Here you are some activties that our pupils have carried out to sensitize people about this problem.


    A campaign from Italy: What is love?

    Image credits:


    Our proposal: you have the floor!

    Tell the world what is love for you and ... don't touch my WhatsApp!

    Campaign against violence.pdf





    (Solidarity group of women of Tahiti)


    To celebrate the International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women, we were invited by the GSFT to organize 2 circle island tours. The first one around Tahiti and the second one around Moorea. Students acted as touristic guides along the tours.


    Une image contenant personne, intérieurDescription générée automatiquementUne image contenant personne, posant, photo, groupeDescription générée automatiquementUne image contenant herbe, arbre, extérieur, gensDescription générée automatiquement


    Une image contenant herbe, arbre, extérieur, cielDescription générée automatiquementUne image contenant personne, table, intérieur, groupeDescription générée automatiquement

  • NoMI students say...

    Spanish students say

    What is love?

    Spanish students say

    Don't touch my WhatsApp!

    Italian Students say...

    What is love?

    Italian Students say...

    Don't touch my WhatsApp!

    Italian Students say...

    What is love?

    Italian Students say...

    Don't touch my WhatsApp!

    Italian Students say...

    What is love?

    Italian Students say...

    Don't touch my WhatsApp!

    Italian Students say...

    What is love?

    Italian Students say...

    Don't touch my WhatsApp!

    Intl Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

    In that day we spoke with some strangers in Funchal city, the people that we interview seemed that they knew what we were talking about and they were aware of the topic.
    Beatriz Nunes, Mariana, Eduardo.


    On this day we went to the city centre to interview some tourists to know their personal opinion about women on violence and their thoughts on it. Many showed different points of view and some were not very familiar with the topic, but something stood out: the predominance of men over women. Among the couples we interviewed, some of the men didn't want their wife to answer our questions, which was something that concerned us. It is unfortunate that this day still exixts since it means that people are not totally aware of this severe problem in our society. However, bad behaviours against women have been decreasing over the years.

    Make the world orange

    On that day we went to the centre of the city and we interviewed some pople from various countries.
    We asked about their opinions about violence and we showed some facts about this day.
    We took some photos and we posted on Instagram with #maketheworldorage #Nomi and #erasmusplus


    Marco and Alex: we went to funchal to interview some tourists about the day of elemination of violence against women.Most of them didnt know that it was that day but they still gave solid opinions , and in a general way everyone had the same opinion wich was that we should try harder to minimize such behaviours .But of course anything that envolves the law takes years to actually be implemented and respected.

    Madeira- Leonor Rodriguez and Cristina Martins

    From our experience on monday, we came to the conclusion that although not everyone knew what day it was, they, especially woman, were aware of the hardships women all around the world went through and are still going through today.

    Madeira Leonor and Sofia

    In the interviews we did we realized that no one knew what day it was but everyone agreed with us about the theam

    Madeira - Diego Figueira

    We’ve to be conscious of the seriousness of this matter. It’s useless standing idly by while we say “Oh yes, we’ve to do something about this, it’s really sad”. This comment isn’t enough to help any woman. We can do something such as participate in strikes or help women that we know are victims of violence. Last Monday, I went with my class to Funchal in order to interview people about the “International Day of the Elimination of Violence Against Women” and I thought that at least half of the people were aware of this special day. Nevertheless, none of them were. This is a clearly lack of seriousness of this matter; of how people don’t care about women’s wellness. Just imagine if you were one of those women suffering violence, would you be ok if nobody tried to help you? In my case, no. Therefore, let’s help them.

    Interview (Diego Figueira)
    Interview (Rodrigo Alves)
    Interview (Duarte Carvalho)
    Interview (Diego Figueira)
    Kaulany against Violence on women
    Shane against violence on women
    Julia is against violence on women
  • Do you agree that we have to fight against every kind of gender-based violence?
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