Presentation of the project
Choosing a LogoProject
Vote Logo
Calendar of the 2019-2020 / 2020 - 2021 / 2021 - 2022 school year
ICT tools used - Tutorials
Project partners
Student teams
Online Meeting
The Project Schedule
Mini glossary of mobility.
Project dissemination
Learning Teaching Training
Romania Mobitity Activities
Turkey Mobility Activities
Greek Mobility Activities
Poland Mobility Activities
Ecological Events
1. EU Green Capital; EU Green Week ( May )
2. EU Natura 2000 Day (May ,21)
3. World Environment Day ( June, 5)
6. Earth Day ( April, 22)
7. EU Day of Parks ( May,24)
8. World Day to Reduce Natural Disasters ( Octomber, 8)
9. The Forest Month (15 Mar - 15 April)
10. The World Day of the Carpathian Mountains( September, 26)
Miscellaneous - Optional
Etwinning Day
Safer Internet Day
Evaluating the project
Mobility Summary
Rows about the tree
EBOOk -What's interesting in our area?
Small steps for a green Planet- Rules (Nov 2020-Jan 2021)
Voting - "Green Planet" Competition
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E-Twinning projects Netiquette