• Step 0 - september-october

    A) Introducing school, city and country (15 October - 30 October) - share on their school Padlet!

    B) Creating Logos - sharing their ideas on a shared Padlet Wall. (15 October - 30 November)

    Step 1-Octobre-November

    C) Sudents create drawings, how they can imagine their favorite characters nowadays - share their drawings on a Padlet Wall!

       Which Heros do you want to be? Why? (They can create masks, drawings or write a story ) (15 October - 30 November)

    D)  Introducing famous and known characters from their countries national stories or fairytales! (1 November - 30 November)

    Step 2 (December-January)

    Project board

    Introducing Heros 

    Step 3 (February-March-April)

    -Collaborative Writing: student start writing the second part and complete the tales

    Step 4 (May -June)

    -Publishing ebook online wit achieved tales

    Step 5


    In every activity photos and videos will be taken, students have to work together and collaborate.

    Good luck