

    The last Videoconference was via Skype between Croatian students and Tunisian partner Mrs Wafa. The students and the teachers discussed some final issues and plans for the ebook and illustrations and drawing that are later included into the ebook. It was fun and we had a nice time. The Croatian teacher Marijana connected the class with Mrs Wafa using Tablet :)

    Animoto video of the Skype conference. The conference was held in English on June 10, 2016


    Video Conference in French/English (Tunisa, Greece, Portugal)

    Visioconférence dimanche 6 mars 2016 : "Echange de pratiques entre les partenaires du projet"

    Des copies d'écran prises pendant la visioconférence réalisée aujourd'hui, à 19H : 30 (heure France) dans le cadre de notre projet.
    Ecoles participantes: Lycée Haffouz (Tunisie), Agrupamento de Escolas de Sátão (Portugal), Collège Expérimental Zanneio (Grèce)