
  • Mobility Report



    SUNDAY 19th of May 2019

    The Mobility started on Sunday with the welcoming and a meeting of all hosted Delegations with pupils and their families that had taken part to the previous mobilities in Romania and Croatia and their families.

    Preliminary session started with participants registration and short participants presentation. In fact this was a good chance to know each other since some new teachers from Poland were present for the first time. The working session went on with opening meeting discussion in order to take stock of the activities situation of the project as a whole and with opening survey form filling.

    We had the opportunity to manage the interim report and to face the implementation for the second part of the project.


    MONDAY 20th of May 2019

    In order to provide an historical perspective to the actual immigration crisis, Delegations on Monday moved to the ruin of ancient Herculaneum and to the town of Amalfi. As you see the territory with the richness of the cities in past as in the present, the fortune of the climate, the proximity of the sea you understand why foreigners and refugees choose our country to escape to.

    Before departure toward Herculaneum prof. Erman by Ristori gave a first talk on the history of the foundation of ancient Greek settlements in the South of Italy of which Herculaneum is a good example.

    Prof. Erman made clear that Herculaneum, differently from the other famous ancient town of Pompei which was never ruled by the Greeks, was found by greek migrants which not only established a trading post with the motherland, but they settled and thrived in the place finding a positive relationship with the native population of Osci.

    Before Delegations moved to Amalfi Prof. Erman gave a second talk on the history of Amalfi explaining that the city of Amalfi was of the four Italian Maritime Republics and that for some centuries it rivalled with the other three more famous Maritime Republics of Genoa, Pisa and Venice.

    Prof. Erman said that already in the 10th century Amalfi was an important centre of trading in the middle of the Tyrrhenian sea. At the beginning of the Saracen campaign Amalfi played an important role in defending the southern Italy from their attacks and that after a while it managed to stipulate diplomatic agreements with them. The end of war with the Saracens made thrive the city which gain a great wealth and became the most important centre of production of paper and iron products.

    Prof. Erman concluded that the history of Amalfi is a clear evidence of the advantages that peace and cooperation bring about to population. This talks sparkled a very interesting debate on the causes and possible remedies to the actual migrants crisis and how to conveys with these aspects to pupils. These activities set the frame for the activities of the following days.


    TUESDAY 21st May 2019

    On Tuesday morning participants were hosted at the I.C. Ristori.

    The Ristori head master, Mrs Iadicicco, after a welcome session with dances and songs performed by Ristori pupils, gave an introductory speech explaining several aspects concerning the school.

    The headmaster explained that the Ristori staff every day is facing great challenges since the school is placed in “Forcella district” known for high level of delinquency & illegality. As an example the Headmatser reminded that the Ristori kindergarten is dedicated to a teenager girl killed during a camorra ambush because she found herself in the wrong place that afternoon. Beside the historical challenge to operate in a neighbourhood in the last decade the Ristori Staff has had to face the new challenge of dealing with a growing number of immigrants.

    Due to this environment the Ristori Staff promotes a lots of activities aimed to promote inclusion, legality, by fighting the diversities & discrimination involving all the school audience.

    As examples the Ristori headmaster quoted the following activities in order to share good practices:

    the Computer Room where students work & produce the school magazine “Ristoriamoci”, a funny way to mean “let's refresh together” in Italian, referred to the name of the school. The students report all the most important news every month regarding projects, labs, movies, formative experiences and insights  into topics of interest.

    The Theatre Lab is the place where manifestations, shows, dances & representations are displayed: Hip Hop dances versus bullying behaviours, music & songs in English & Spanish language, English plays, conferences; demonstrations such as: Legality Day, Memory Day, Violence against women Day, International day against homophobia, Safer Internet Day, Erasmus plus & many more activities.

    The CLIL top lab: a very innovative project in our school managed, formatted by one teacher. The use of this CLIL methodology (content and language integrated learning) has motivated our students and helped to learn any subject through English language. It can be a very satisfying way to teach & capture students’ attention as for instance the learning of several scientific terms in English through the manipulation of scientific experiments during the science lab.

    The Trinity College certification in our Language Class provides English lessons in order to obtain a certification through a final evaluation done by mother tongue teachers.

    Multimedial Lab where students work with technology & appropriate machine to report, register, take photos and videos of all events of the school.

    Etwinning Platform where students with both Italian and European partners participate to different projects, since in the school there are few trained teachers and one of them won the european   award.

    After the initial introduction the Ristori Headmaster explained the case of students with Special Education Needs (SEN)

    Educational inclusion is the key to everyone's educational success. Today there is a great social complexity in the classroom. Students can have difficulties in various fields:

    • physical conditions (illnesses);
    • physical structure (lesions or impairments);
    • personal activities (speech impediment, learning disabilities);
    • social participation (difficulty in handling social roles);
    • environmental factors (problem family, different culture);
    • personal factors (poor self esteem, poor motivation).

    Our school seeks adequate answers to all special needs: teachers don’t build walls, but give value to differences of each one.

    School has a problem when it loses students. If the most difficult students are lost, the school is not school. The school that rejects the students in difficulty is like a hospital that rejects the sick and treats the healthy.

    Defining, finding and recognizing a SEN student does not mean to group different students in order to isolate or discriminate them. On the contrary it means to be aware of the difficulties and learn to respond to them adequately.

    SEN is not discriminating because each individual might, in the course of his/her life, find himself/herself in a situation of Special Education Needs.

    Students with SEN need actions tailored on their specific needs, this individuality in some cases takes the name of Individual Educational Plan, in other cases it simply gives way to a specific psycho-educational diagnosis.

    SEN are many and of different types. A really inclusive school should be able to identify them and generate adequate resources for each need, from the strongest to the weakest. A reference framework is necessary.

    The ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) is the conceptual model drawn up by the World Health Organization.


    The second activity of the day was held outside the Ristori school building, at the Pio Monte della Misericordia. There participants attended a workshop showing practical methods we do for some children about the theme "we encourage the weakest". Through cooperation of prof Ciardiello, the Ristori school deals an agreement with Pio Monte della Misericordia to help students at risk of school dropout and let them find out an interest to cultivate even without studying on the books.

    Practical special art techniques, musical instruments, cooking recipes to experiment and to cook, ceramics, cutting and sewing clothes for the traditional shepherds of cribs and leather bags, carpentry, are made available to children once a week in turn for the whole year in courses organized and managed by this non-profit foundation. The lab rooms are large and fully equipped.

    The presentation attracted the attention of all participants that posed several questions to the presenter and that tasted pizza and cakes cooked by the young disadvantged students for the guests.

    The third activity of the day was “5 senses for a city” educational game. The teacher of art Mrs Erman with some students explained the project idea of favoring the game as an educational strategy for learning aimed at promoting and deepening the knowledge of the historic center of Naples, a UNESCO heritage in order to develop in the participants the awareness of protection and cultural and linguistic knowledge, material and immaterial great treasure for all us. With a project work the students have carried out a concrete task, with a final product the construction of a "game" aimed at making the exploration of the territory with the 5 senses, culture and traditions proper to each other reflect and concretize.

    The fourth activity was to visit THE MUSEUM OF PEACE – MAMT (Mediterranean - Art - Music - Traditions) is a Museum for school cooperation, the MAMT is located in the Mediterraneo Foundation, in an annex of the historic building of the former “Grand Hotel de Londres”.

    Participants had the chance to meet the Museum founder Mr Michele Capasso. H explained that the museum was established thanks to the union of 42 Euro-Mediterranean countries and to the collaboration of the main international organisations; yet this would not have been possible without the voluntary contribution of men and women from various Mediterranean countries and the world that have shared this initiative of culture, dialogue and peace through their commitment and donations. Mr. Capasso led the participants to the visit of the Museum, he emphasized that all the pieces of art in the museum were donated by several Mediterranean countries as a gesture of good will toward the quest for peace. Many meeting, peace events and manifestations are organized in this place and the pope, many Nobel prize winners and Head of States have brought their contribution.

    In the end Mr. Capasso asked all participants to release an interview and to sign a cloth that will be presented to the UN.


    WEDNESDAY 22nd of May 2019

    The day started with a presentation by Mr. Buonomo of the Workshop L2 Italian language project for foreigners.

    The Italian Workshop represents a dynamic reality in continuous evolution due to the constant integration of new pupils during the school year. Mr. Buonomo explains that all activities are developed in such way to satisfy several communicative needs of the pupils.

    It is necessary to use techniques capable of encouraging and keeping motivation high. Thus the knowledge, the foreknowledge, the culture of origin and the experience of a person as such, must be taken in great and right consideration, by creating an atmosphere of relaxed learning without anxiety, capable of bringing the student to conquer and increase his self confidence and self esteem in his own capacities.

    The use of units of learning has prepared to organize this kind of work which allows an easy and gradual suitable to situations and context based on some cognitive criteria and affective-psychological ones.

    Thereby, the teacher is capable of involving and motivating students with heterogynous competences and different cultures of origin, suitable from time to time, towards communicative functions and routine linguistic realities. The unit of learning allows, through several activities, to propose, to reinforce periodically communicative functions. Fun activities and cooperation, such as games and team group, take a particular relevance. Also it is for individual work which allows pupils to socialize, compare each other and establish relation equals.

    The teacher becomes a tutor and a guide capable of proposing activities and creating input which make easier the learning new knowledge. In this kind of lab L2 the didactic work, which guarantees the integration of foreign students, is rich in advantages and limitations.

    Advantages :

    • A ready answer for important needs.
    • Their needs and ways of learning of each student focused on privileged times and spaces.
    • Social affective identity which make the relation better, self-confidence and motivation



    • Rescue of a ghetto class,
    • Risk of isolation of these students from the others, slowing down the global process of socialization, integration, cooperation.
    • Risk of planning the activities without a precise organization.

    A global lab L2 should be a permanent lab, in a safe and welcoming environment, with a fixed facilitator teacher, an educational place with all different linguistic paths, addressed to foreign students.

    This kind of structure would guarantee the continuity and cognitive, affective evolution which allows the right of education of these students by increasing the intercultural atmosphere of the school.

    The presentation attracted the attention of all participants that posed several questions to the the presenter

    In order to share good practices with other teachers, Ristori school introduced the Workshop by Fondazione Pavesi. From many years Ristori school hosts the professional aid of a valuable association promoting theatre and arts in the educational system. Mr Coppola, the professional actor leading students group, explained to Delegations that the Foundation was created to spread the principles of the right to life, legality and civil society, as well as solidarity.

    In particular, it intends to promote the importance of rules as founding elements of civil coexistence, respecting the autonomy of others, as well as the knowledge and respect for the inviolable rights of the person. The foundation is present in more than ten Neapolitan schools, supporting and promoting theater projects linked to social issues. Its work is present especially in the deprived neighborhoods of the city.

    Mr Coppola explained the methodology for workshop in education he developed and he gave Delegations practical demonstration with a short drama played by all students of one class first and then he let all teachers and students together be involved with several effective exercises. No one realized that in that class there are many disadvantaged and less gifted pupils, because everyone was working at the same time, respecting and helping each other in a nice and cheerful atmosphere of acceptance.

    After lunch the participants moved at the LESS Centre.

    The LESS Centre is a Non Governmental Organization aimed to fight social exclusion and to promote sustainability and people rights. This is the Centre where just arrived foreign people and refugees find a new temporary home with dresses and food but where they find especially someone take care and listen to them. The psychotherapist dott. Monica Ottarda involved all the participants in a role play that can be played in the classroom. The goal is to develop active listening and to stimulate the acquisition and interpretation of information by increasing the skills of active citizenship in situations of effective communication and collaboration.

    The presentation attracted the attention of all participants that posed several questions to the the presenter

    Next activity was held at I.C. Ristori where Mr. Fiore and Mr. Calzone presented the project  “Emotional Art” they held for a large group of students of different ages.

    The purpose of this project is to experimental the potentiality of the artistic language through the use of the comprehension and self expression. Furthermore it gives the opportunity to take a major consciousness of their own territory by strengthening the sense of belonging.

    The students see works of art, historical and archaeological sites, with different emotions. The project is also focused on development and promotion of works of art such as paintings, statues, low reliefs, wooden reliefs, places of historical centre and of the Naples city.

    The motivations of this course for students of this school are essentially to suggest a different modality to express their sensations. They can express with the words, the language, as poets did, or  through the images. Many artists have expressed their sensation, their emotions by painting or sculpting them.

    During the workshop Delegations made analysis of the emotions together with students: Waiting,  and Rage.

    The course has a duration of 60 hours divided in 3 extracurricular hours per week and is divided in 2 steps: the first frontal lessons in the classroom based on the perception of emotions and the research of works of art which can be similar to studied emotions.

    In the second step it is expected guided tours in the city, and elaboration of drawings with several artistic techniques that will be showed in the school and to parents in a exhibition at the end.

    The presentation attracted the attention of all participants that posed several questions to the the presenter

    The final activity of the day was held at the S. Egidio Community a school for adult foreigners.

    In history The Community of Sant’Egidio was established in Rome by Andrea Riccardi. In the climate of renewal created by Vatican II, he began to form a group of high school students to listen to the Gospel and put it into practice. Within a few years, the experience spread to other groups of students, even in other Italian towns and in the 1980s it spread in Europe, and to Africa, America and Asia.

    From the outset, specific features of the Community have been service to the very poor and defence of human dignity and human rights, together with prayer and the communication of the Gospel. It has created ways of helping and extending friendship where there is poverty, both in its old and new forms (elderly people living alone and unable to cope, immigrants, homeless people, terminally ill and AIDS sufferers, children at risk of delinquency and social out-casting, itinerants and physically and mentally disabled people, drug addicts, war victims, inmates and people under sentence of death).

    In Napoli in particular S. Egidio Community helps the poor and social workers to find their way in the search for services, from food to housing, from showers to medical care and assistance for documents. It collects gifts that will be donated on Christmas day for the traditional lunch with the poor. S. Egidio has a school that offers free Italian language and culture courses, in the afternoon and evening hours so that foreign immigrants can integrate into Italian society.

    The delegations had a direct moving testimony from a student of his life history.

    The day ended with a guided visit to the Unesco Heritage city centre of Napoli and a farewell dinner by a thermal SPA.


    THURSDAY 23rd

    Final session:

    All teachers met to discuss on how to transfer all kind of educational practices we shared in the teaching and learning methods in integrated classes. The enthusiasm was a lot to develop creative inter-cultural strategies for dealing with inclusion challenges. It will be very useful for the manual about the different ways of teaching and learning languages for disadvantages students.

    All teachers decided how to share all interesting material outside of the school too, using any ICT tools and social ways. The interim Report was specified.

    The Midterm Project Assessment and audit of next year activities started.

    Overall Mobility Evaluation Form was filled.


    Guests departure from Napoli



  • Material

    Teachers workshop
    Short-term staff training
    Short-term staff training