
  • Report on the Learning Students Activities

    Bacau – Romania  03rd -08th December 2018


    The first learning , teaching, training students’ mobility was held in the Secondary School “ Nicolae Iorga” Bacau  , on the coordinator’s institution and took place on 3rd – 8th of December 2018. During these six working days, a number of 22 students and 7 teachers from the partner’s behalf attended the activities included in the program.

                On the first days, guests we invited to a guided tour in our school, followed by the official opening. During the working day, icebreaking games and workshops were propose to students in order to introduce each other, to discover traditional games which were coordinated by the coordinator from each country.

    Teachers attended meetings  that included  discussions on (Tasks and responsibilities; The projects’ outcomes, Working program discussion) ; (Distribution of roles and activities for each country ;Practical information for the next transnational meeting ;Gantt Activities )

    On the second day, students worked in mixt groups Workshops  “B&B Dance / B&B song”  (Students   participated in turn in 3 different workshops in order to start proposing by every country: the dance creation / a song composition / videos recording)

    Countries and school presentation -PPT  Traditional dances ( every country  presented a specific dance)

    On the third working day – two Workshops were proposed:  1.  Migration history – PPT presentations (every country will present  the history of the migration from their country) ; 2. Telling the story of migration in images ( BD – photo – roman). Students created images , the story of migration.

    On the 4th  working day , students kept working within Workshops :  Learning the B&B dance and the B&B song. In the evening they attended Lessons : mathematics, English

    On the 5th day    Logo creation . Students worked on the image of our logo, proposing and choosing the best one.   During the evening, a short  visit was propose to discover  our region

    On the six day, students  recorded  the B&B song  and the B&B dance . Also , questionnaires for teachers and students were proposed to  measure the impact of the activities and the level of tolerance of our students concerning the mmigration.

  • Mobility in photos

    Welcome ceremony
    Welcome ceremony - the performance of the students.

    Icebreaking games and workshops were propose to students in order to introduce each other, to discover traditional games which were coordinated by the coordinator from each country.


    Icebreaking games and workshops were propose to students in order to introduce each other, to discover traditional games which were coordinated by the coordinator from each country.


    Icebreaking games and workshops were propose to students in order to introduce each other, to discover traditional games which were coordinated by the coordinator from each country.


    Icebreaking games and workshops were propose to students in order to introduce each other, to discover traditional games which were coordinated by the coordinator from each country.

    Workshops “B&B Dance / B&B song”
    Workshops “B&B Dance / B&B song”

    Students worked on the image of our logo, proposing and choosing the best one.

    The winner of the logo competition
    The winner of the logo competition_ - Polish Team
    Traditional dances ( every country presented a specific dance)
    Traditional dances ( every country presented a specific dance)/Poland
    Traditional dances /Poland
    Traditional dances/Romania
    Traditional dances/Romania
    Workshop in a mixed group

    During these six working days, a number of 22 students and 7 teachers from the partner’s behalf attended the activities included in the program.

    Workshop in a mixed group

    Students choose the best logo

    The first meeting of the project coordinators

    The first meeting of the project coordinators - work on organizational changes in the project.

    A visit to a math lesson