1. SEPTEMBER (2019) Getting to know each other

  • 😀 Hello students and teachers! WELCOME TO OUR FIRST TASK: GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER!First of all, teachers must introduce students to TwinSpace. TwinSpace is the platform we will use to work and communicate between schools.

    Getting to know each other has 3 activites to complete:

    1. Adding students to the TwinSpace. Teachers have to add all students to the TwinSpace as members. Students will have a user and a password to enter and interact on TwinSpace.

    Students please note your usernames and passwords in your agenda so you don't forget them.

    2. Once studens are already members. Everyone, students and teachers must complete their profiles.

    Profiles should be short. About 100 characters. You may answer to the following questions:

    What is your name?

    Where do you live?

    How old are you? 

    When is your birthday?

    Which are your hobbies?

    Here you are an example of profile: 

    We really want to get to know each other so please add a face picture to your profile.


    Students will work in groups of four people each group. They will register a video where they will introduce themselves to the rest of students. If you need some help, please complete this helpful activity.

    EGPFF Worksheet 1.pdf

    Students must respect the following briefing:

    Let's see if you can impress teachers with your video editing.

    Teachers will form a group too and they will also film a video to introduce themselves to all students.

    Teachers have been working hard these days 🤓🤓 so you are lucky to see their video right now. 



  • Teachers calling...

    Portuguese teachers!
    Portuguese activity in Lagos, Portugal
    Welcome to Falconara, Italy
    Teachers from Vacarisses say hello!
    Italian teachers !
    Polish team