6. FEBRUARY (2020) Festival Poster.

  • Good morning students,


    Welcome to February activity:  Festival Poster

    This month we are going to become artists. We propose use to design the poster that will represent the Festival. The posters will be designed working individually by the students.

    Every single poster must include:

    • The title of the festival. (European Green Planet Film Festival)
    • The logo
    • The dates in which the festival will be cellebrated. (31st May - 4th June 2021)
    • The city hosting the festival. (Vacarisses, Spain)
    • An image related to the topic which decided the peers in the students worries activity. (At the moment, with 111 answers, the topic is Climate Change)
    • The Instagram and the website of the project (@egpff / www.egpff.org)


    The posters will be submitted to vote and only one of them will finally represent the festival.

    Students might use Canva or Genially to design the Poster. If you feel like designing it handmade, go for it.



  • The 8 finalist Posters