Outdoor learning to improve pupils participation and fight drop out, Soverato, October, 2019

  • The course providers Jump are trying to share the EU spirit of internalisation in different educational institutions in Calabria and are employing young educated staff to promote education and work with teachers.

    At the course we gained a lot of new methodological and didactical techniques and materials for outdoor activities in all kind of segments of the teaching process.


    Ice Breakers and Energizers.pdf

    We shared different experiences of including outdoor education in different countries:  Slovenia, Greece, Latvia and Lithuania.

    Together we planned different outdoor lessons for students of the local IMFA School in Soverato and spend two days at school presenting innovative outdoor workshops for students of primary school to motivate them more.


    Our teacher, Katarina Vodopivec Kolar, shared our excellent examples of outdoor activities that we practice at Domžale Primary School with gifted children as one of the categories of special needs children.

    All the participants presented their country and educational system. We exchanged experiences, aspects, differences between educational system and working with special needs children, gifted children and how to prevent early drop out. The Greek colleagues shared with us their precious experiences of working with the Roma students in a Roma settlement near Athens and all the specifics of working with them.

    In different outdoor excursions (botanic gardens, olive plantation and factory, vineyards, old medieval towns: Bodolato and St. Caterina, Reggio Calabria, Tropea) we saw how we can include outdoor workshops for different topics  (parks, urban area, local agriculture, museums) in the school curriculum to motivate students and to improve the teaching process more.

    Outdoor education can be included in different subjects, such as: natural science, environmental education, geography, history, intercurricular projects, etc).

    The organisation and hospitality of the Jump team was amazing. They showed us the beauty of Calabria and how to incorporate different local geographical specifics into our outdoor work in school at all levels. Outdoor excursions were very well organised, showing us the different Calabrian cultural specifics, as well as natural and cultural heritage.

    Promotional film of the course:
