All the participants presented their country, school and educational system. We were exchanging experiences, aspects, differencies between educational systems in Poland, Slovenia, Latvia, Romania, Germany, Austria, Spain, Finland.
We also presented our countries with promotional material and other goods.
The goal of our course was to know more educational games to enhance learner's motivation, to develop their creativity and cooperational skills. That's why we were put both in students' shoes and teacher's.
At first we tried the games as students, because we all learn and remember as much as possible by experience:
Find your own baloon:
My name story:
Step to the line, if...:
Find your pair by listening to the description of the tag on your back:
Driver and the car, dancing the Finish dance Letkis, Fruit salad, Measuring the time, different brainteezer questions, To find out who is your pair on the other end of the rope, The aliby...
Treasure hunt (with QR code reader):
QR code generator
To hatch a bet:
Escape room:
We also learned how to use different WEB 2.0 tools:
A activity which develops students' attention: To do something after somebody does something explicit:
We also had a cooperative task to explore Oslo with a purpose to find 16 important places through the city.
The Danish-Norwegian King Christian IV supposedly pointed to this spot and said: "The new town will lie here!"
The Edvard Munch's grave:
In the Oslo Town hall: