Here we will upload photos and videos of our gardens.
We are already preparing our garden:
HAve a look at video above to see how it is now!!!
Our first lettuces...
Educating young about high bed and fruit trees
Fruit farmer explaining why do we need to cut trees in the spring
Everybody waiting to cut their own tree in our school garden
We got the plants from our garden Volčji potok (
Fruit farmer also educating teachers of Osnovna šola Žiri, Slovenia
First a bit of theory about tree gardens
We need to plant these
High beams with planted strawberries and vegetables
Looks like everything is growing
Watering plants in our garden in Žiri
Nice that we can eat/enjoy the fruits of our work
Our seeds are starting to grow. Hopefully in Spring we will be able to go to school and plant them in our garden.
Our seedlings are ready to be planted outside in our Urban Garden:
Firstly, we created our gardenbehind the school gymnasium. Then, we started planting the first seeds. It was quiet late,in May because of online learning when students were not at school. We planted raddishes, beans, zucchini, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes and some herbs.
Suprisingly, the first harvest was pretty successful.
Here we visited our garden during the mobilty in Poland.
Then we prepared the garden for the following year.
And planted new seeds. Now we're waiting for the new harvest.