After having analysed together students' contributions to the discussion on the Tricision about the community problems they are concerned about, we can list the following for our next phase:
Thefts and lack of security in our towns/ countries
Unemployment in our towns/ countries
Obesity and unhealthy eating and lack of physical exercise
drug trafficking, drug addiction among young people
Shortage of potable water
Gender inequality
Domestic/ dating violence
Marine water pollution
Degradation and destruction of natural habitats on land
Degradation of cultural and natural heritage
Bullying, violence in school context
Overpopulation in our cities/ countries
Droughts and wild fires
If you wish to add any to this list you can still add any to the list.
The list is now on the Google Doc below and students are invited to choose the problem they wish to study more in depth and to tackle, so our students can start to work collaboratively.
Here is the link to a shared google doc with the topics.
Dear coordinators, please add the name of students and teachers in the corresponding lines according to your choices.
Thank you for your cooperation.
We will also use our private facebook group to monitor the project activities and discuss issues and challenges we come by.