• We love the theatre !!!




    In our theatre club we:

    1. Write scenarios for performances
    2. We prepare for playing a role
    3. We prepare the scenery and costumes
    4. We perform the plays at school ceremonies
    5. POP ACT – we organise a  review of musical creativity by acting
    6. We participate in the competition called Pozor!Plivamo na sceni! and Lidrano by preparing a performance
    7. We go to the theatre
    8. We prepare performances for Christmas, Bread Days, and the end of the school year
    9. We watch plays in our school when theatre  groups come
    10. we learn pantomime and stage games.



    CATALAN/SPANISH theater group activity:

    1. Students rehearse for the end of the year shool play
    2. Performance of the Catalan traditional play for Christmas in front of parents and neighbourhood
    3. Performance of a classical play prepared in the Greek  lessons  for the whole school community.


    ITALIAN group activity:

    1. In the occasion of Christmas period, Itt Malafarina theatre group acted out the birth of Jesus Christ
    2. Itt Malafarina theatre group developed their creative competences in arranging a coherent scene
    3. Itt Malafarina theatre group used real lambs and costumes for the Nativity scene


    POLISH activieties:

    - we come up with scenarios for performances,
    - we are preparing to play a role,
    - we do a warm-up,
    - we perform orientation exercises in stage space, stage movement plastics,
    - we practice with a prop, mask, doll and with a partner,
    - we prepare the scenery, costumes, masks, props ourselves,
    - we show emotions,
    - we express ourselves,
    - we go to theater reviews,
    - we show our game to peers from our school and from other schools,
    - we talk with the viewers about the content of our performance

